In South Korea, the Convention of Biological Diversity are just beginning their conference to examine the dwindling resources of plant and animal species. In Hyderabad in 2012, targets were not set properly and Braulio Ferreira de Souza Dias reckons that, “all indicators suggest the status of biodiversity continues its decline and requires urgent attention.” As the CBD Executive Secretary, he should know. Hyderabad did manage to agree on doubling biodiversity aid to developing countries, but we have no idea of the figure they were doubling.
Pyeongchang is the mountain venue for this so-called CBD COP 12. That means it’s the 12th meet, with a mid-term review, especially of its strategic plan and those missing targets. Entitled, “Biodiversity for Sustainable Development,” it is followed next week by a meeting on the Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety. Their bucket list for continuing progress also consists of:
Marine and coastal diversity; Biodiversity and climate change; Biofuels; Sustainable wildlife management; Invasive alien species; Synthetic biology and Ecosystem conservation and restoration.
Real figures recently showed the 52% decline in all vertebrate classes over 40 years (WWF) and extinction risk set at 25% of mammals, 10% of birds and 41% of amphibian (IUCN.) The world’s fish, and many other species, got some good press from those fighting for a sustainable industry recently with World Ocean Summit.
UNEP Executive Director, Achim Stein, started the meeting off by announcing a progress report that will, “make the whole world sit up. It is about all of life on earth! We need to do more—and do it fast—to protect the very fabric of the natural world.”
Well we’ll certainly report on that- see our Facebook page later. The IISD have a reporting page here as- COP12 Convention Page.