
The Ancient Romance of Samarqand.

A rare species indeed. While looking at common birds in Samarqand, this modern-looking photograph is incredibly from 1906. The rare species for an Islamic country is a Jewish teacher with...

On by Dave Armstrong 0 Comments

Will we release these reincarnated mammoths?

These herds could better manage the taiga and the tundra, according to geneticists, but ecologists might argue with the release of small numbers of ex-extinct animals in the globally-warmed landscape...

On by Paul Robinson 0 Comments

Navigating the Atlantic as a giant turtle.

The size of an adult male(800lb or 363kg) leatherback is shown well here, tagged for this research. They are by far the largest and the most distinctive turtles alive, reminding...

On by JW Dowey 0 Comments

How mantis control their leaps.

Ready, Steady, Go! The mantis nymph curls up its abdomen and then jumps so precisely that a target is never missed. At least during an experiment, the praying mantis has...

On by Dave Armstrong 0 Comments

Great Lakes Puzzles (or Lessons) for Ecologists.

Taking advantage of invasive species! The brook trout ventures into the Great Lakes and has been benefitting from the large numbers of rainbow smelt, until the numbers dropped. Now fishermen...

On by Dave Armstrong 0 Comments

Our evolution from jelly!

The impressive but small ctenophores like Pleurobrachia represent a non-stinging branch of early metazoans, cruising here past a coral reef. They also provide great evidence of how and why our...

On by Dave Armstrong 0 Comments

Cooperative fin whales in Baja California

The magnificent fin whale in all its glory, with blowhole and mouth visible. Balaenoptera physalis image; Credit: © Shutterstock Baleen whales need a lot of energy to maintain their bulk....

On by Dave Armstrong 0 Comments

Pilot whales and New Zealand strandings.

Happier times for Globiocephala melas, as a mother and baby enjoy their open ocean habitat.Pilot whales image; Credit: © Shutterstock Why do pilot whales and many others strand themselves so...

On by Paul Robinson 0 Comments

Bonobo, chimpanzee or gambler?

The bonobo family is typically affectionate and shows several different behavioural traits compared to the chimpanzee, but whether they are closer to our own species is almost impossible to judge....

On by Dave Armstrong 0 Comments

Seahorses live further north than we thought

The photograph displays a little of the animal in its habitat, far from its tropical cousins. Species of seahorse live in very cold Atlantic waters in the NW of Europe...

On by Dave Armstrong 0 Comments