
Teaching is the Oldest Profession.

Get a hat-get ahead, learn to row your own boat, read till you drop---what is the correct way to teach an increasingly independent human? At the moment, we haven’t got...

On by JW Dowey 0 Comments

Rabbits, rabbits, rabbits - nohare to be seen.

This particular rabbit is another that is extinct, but only since 2009. Brachylagus ohioensis is following the trend for loss of species that the Asian specimen here also represents, but...

On by Dave Armstrong 0 Comments

Army ants engineer living bridges!

; Eciton soldier image; Credit: © Shutterstock The Amazon, the Congo and parts of SE Asia possess one of the most admired killing machines known to us. The army ants...

On by Dave Armstrong 0 Comments

Human migration vital in the Caucasus.

The so-called Trialeti culture inhabited these Caucasus caves many thousands of years ago, but whether they have a direct connection with even more ancient human cultures who influence the whole...

On by Dave Armstrong 0 Comments

Devil rays surviving in the Mediterranean.

The general appearance of the mobula’s body, the paired cephalic fins, the long tail and the dorsal colouration are diagnostic but there just isn’t anything else like it in the...

On by Dave Armstrong 0 Comments

Philippine eagle helped by Whitley Award

The most magnificent eagle left in the world has been having a hard time of it. The conservation effort requires a recruitment of hearts and minds, as the national symbol...

On by JW Dowey 0 Comments

Gibbon families grow larger with bi-female groups.

These two mature females are the ksy to success in the critically-endangered cao vit gibbons. Their bi-female groups enable this and several other crested gibbon species to enlarge the typical...

On by Dave Armstrong 0 Comments

The owl and the butterfly - and mimicry

The owl butterflies mimic owl eyes very efficiently to our eyes. Do they frighten other birds off by shocking them with a flash, or do the 2 hindwing eyes present...

On by Paul Robinson 0 Comments

April Fools, with the naughty bits explained!

There are dragons awaking as the globe is warming, but it’s only in editors’ minds as they dream of fake blonde queens! Plumed Basilisk image; Credit: © Shutterstock It is...

On by JW Dowey 0 Comments