Ask any green installer what they think about home energy and you will get the same response. There is no point fitting fancy home heating systems or micro generation units unless you have already invested in good insulation. It makes sense. Heating your home is expensive and painful enough without having to watch it all leave through the roof and walls!
Energy prices in the UK are continuously rising and British families are suffering. Fuel poverty is growing rapidly and aggressively with some 5.4 million UK homes living in under heated, poorly lit homes. The situation isn't helped by the state of the global economy, adding poor salaries to rising fuel bills only adds insult to injury.
The Green Deal will focus heavily on providing funding for better insulating UK homes and businesses. This will include existing technology such as solid and cavity wall insulation, loft insulation and other vital areas such as walls and doors.
Cavity Wall Insulation
Modern houses are typically built with cavity walls. They are basically two walls, built next to each other, with a small space between. The cavity was thought improve heat efficiency but as time has passed we can see that they are not very energy efficient. Cavity walls can be better insulated by filling the cavity with foam, mineral wool, granules or beads.
Solid Wall Insulation
Many houses built before the 1920's were built without a cavity. These walls let out even more heat than cavity walls but it is possible to insulate them and make them more energy efficient. Insulating solid walls can be expensive but the savings can be vast. Solid walls can be insulated from the interior or exterior and are assessed on an individual basis. It is worth mentioning that many experts, who are interested in the conservation of older buildings, say that solid walls should not be treated as they were built differently from modern buildings and need to be able to "breathe". This is why it is so important so access homes individually.

Energy efficient homes via Shutterstock
Loft Insulation
It goes without saying, to make a property energy and heat efficient, the loft must be well insulated. Heat rises and will either leave your property through your walls or through your loft. Apart from the hassle factor of clearing out your loft, and having a team of installers in your house, loft insulation is simple and quick to install. The Green Deal will fund loft insulation projects which will be assessed and installed by Green Deal accredited staff.
Energy Efficient Doors & Windows
Britain is home to some of the oldest buildings in Europe and our doors and windows offer little protection against the not so glorious British weather. Back in the day, energy efficient doors and windows meant ugly, white plastic products which were in no way sympathetic to the elegance and style of older buildings. However, over recent years, the development of composite doors and windows means home owners no longer have sacrifice on style in order to make their homes more energy efficient.
Although these are the main insulation measures the Green Deal will fund, there will be a level of flexibility which allow for the integration of new technology as and when it arrives. Whether you are for or against the Government's Green Deal, it's hard to disagree with the benefits of insulating your home. Let's just hope the country understands the Green Deal well enough to get involved.