The charity, WRAP
is a UK organisation which is encouraging us to organise our lives in a more environmentally friendly way. In the light of the potential failures of Paris decisions and the possibility of that occasion actually achieving monumental historic significance, maybe some personal change would be welcomed.
Food waste is very festive, even before the 2 big peaks of consumption, and can be made less of by reading up tips on Love Food, Hate Waste.
Clothing can have its life extended in several ways, with a consultative area available at A new sustainable clothing guide.
A more European perspective can be appreciated at the so-calledCircular Economy Package
from the EC themselves, including a halving of food waste by 2030. WRAP’s response here about the EEC policies is more economic that recycling, but is very informative on our neighbourly reactions.
The actual information on wrapping paper refers mainly to plasticised metallic papers, used so often now to enhance the presents’ appearance. While UK authorities all recycle paper, 2% surprisingly don’t accept the more difficult cardboard. If this is true, then less developed communities worldwide must also be neglected their card recycling. Recycling centres are really important, even if they simply collect similar wastes at the same spot. UK centres are listed at’s site, while most western countries will list this kind of sink
for any kind of waste.
Further information from Recycle Now lists various procedures such as removing ribbon-like adornments from packages before recycling the paper. The glitter addition to paper is also metallic and must also be removed, unfortunately. Perhaps it would be better if we revert to just Bacchanalian celebrations and stop using these Christmasy extras that pollute our precious habitats!
Meanwhile, this is a UK landmark you may recognise, wrapped up socially to remind those who should know better that unwrapping the UK’s 300,000 tonnes of card is a big task for all of us. If you have environmental concerns about your party or plastic over-use, have a look at our story on Eco-Friendly Parties!