With Earth Overshoot Day (yesterday) now past, the WWF are recommending we have no natural resources at all that we should use. We can just about regenerate all the stuff we have grabbed so far ti year, but now, the time has come to STOP!
Like most countries, the human individual withdraws too much from the balance sheet of life, and we can't pay it back. If we look at our Ecological Footprint, that data, available on all of us, tells you exactly what we use, who uses most and how we can reduce the effects we have on our landscape, our house, our total environment .Jim Leape, Director General of WWF International infers, "Nature is the basis of our wellbeing and our prosperity - but we are using up way too much of the Earth's finite resources. WWF's Living Planet Report shows clearly that humanity's demands exceed our planet's capacity to sustain us - simply put, we are asking for more than we have available."
Since 1961, we used two-thirds of those resources available to us. To go back to the swinging sixties, we need to switch to clean, renewable energy sources and slash the dirty emissions that contaminate our forests and oceans so much. Using products such as seafood labelled by thee Marine Stewardship Council (MSC) and wood that is similarly labelled by the FSC, management of all our resources is given priority.
Our carbon footprint from the fossil fuels we all tend to use, at least for electrical power, is a full 50% of our Ecological Footprint. The campaign, "Seize Your Power," is an appropriate one, considering how often current politicians are seizing resources to feed their own party interests. Have a look at the idea in World Wildlife Fund literature.
They claim our stewardship is not a political choice. We are responsible, no matter who is making these mistakes. It is the individual who has to act; otherwise what we call democracy is dead. Find more about the WWF Seize Your Power campaign here.