The Information Communication Technology companies (ICT) are among the latest to develop a green conscience under the guidance of the World Resources Institute (WRI), the World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSB), the Global e-Sustainability Initiative (GeSI) and the Carbon Trust.
These groups will be working closely with officials within the ICT companies and also NGO's, government experts and academic experts to develop common approaches and practices to check the carbon footprints created by ICT products and services.
Large selections of ICT companies have already agreed to be a part of the new initiative, being brought on board by the efforts of GeSI.
This is a positive result for all involved as it shows a wider recognition of the effects of pollution and climate change, and it is hoped that the global economy can be reformed one industry at a time.
The guidance for the new methodologies within the ICT sector is expected to be released at the end of the year and will be published as part of the Greenhouse Gas Protocol Initiative.
It will be incorporated under the Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Protocol Product Accounting and Reporting Standard.
Together these make up the most popular global accounting and reporting standard for corporate greenhouse gas emissions.
It is hoped that the guidance will enable companies to monitor and reduce the carbon footprint created by their products and services in an attempt to cut the overall amount of carbon emissions.
Officials are hopeful that by using the companies that are already on board with the scheme they will be able to set an example to others, thus creating a more competitive market for low-carbon products and services whilst at the same time encouraging other sectors to consider their own carbon footprints.