
We've never walked alone- whether chimpanzee or hominin !

Laetoli hominin and chimpanzee footprints. These randomly selected footprints demonstrate the 'stereotypical' morphologies of, from left to right, human, Laetoli hominin and chimpanzee footprints. The human and chimpanzee prints were...

On by Dave Armstrong 0 Comments

Primates and alcohol, a natural relationship?

The marvelous world of primates is now enhanced by an investigation on their alcohol intake. Their consumption is limited, but some species certainly adapt to the extra calories that could...

On by Dave Armstrong 0 Comments

Sea birds secret colony location policy!

The black legged kittiwake,Rissa tridactyla, breeds on these cliffs in the North Atlantic as well as the Pacific (different sub-species), feeding more like the Atlantic puffin than its closer relatives,...

On by Paul Robinson 0 Comments

People and Deer: the diverse, diverting past.

The rutting stag is an emblem of the fertility and strength of Cervus elephas, wherever in the world it has found its niche. red stag image; Credit: © Shutterstock In...

On by JW Dowey 0 Comments

The earliest permafrost pets.

Was it a wild wolf that left its whimpering pups in a landslide thousands of years ago, or did a crying child lose his or her favourite pets? wolf image;...

On by Dave Armstrong 0 Comments

Acidification of the Barrier Reef.

The residents of the GBR include Acropora and other stony corals, all the soft corals, more fish than you can guess at, even here, many more invertebrates such as these...

On by Dave Armstrong 0 Comments