
Landmark UN Study Voices Belief in Renewable Future

By 2050, 77 percent of the world's energy could come from renewable sources, says a landmark report commissioned by the UN. The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change released the Special...

On by Melanie J. Martin 0 Comments

Obama seeks to extend water rules

The Obama administratiopn has proposed new guidelines to clarify the types of waterways that are under federal regulation under the Clean Water Act. In a move delighting environment groups, but...

On by Laura Brown 0 Comments

Halting biodiversity loss to protect European economies

The European Commission lays out 2020 biodiversity strategy to protect Europe's biodiversity. This follows the disappointing results obtained for the 2010 biodiversity plan and the new commitments made by the...

On by Mario Balzan 0 Comments

EPA boosts research into E-waste solution

The shameful problem of e-waste -- which shifts the world's burden of electronic waste onto poorer countries, where pollution often becomes a serious concern - may be a little nearer...

On by Martin Leggett 0 Comments

Australia puts on hold a revamp of environment laws

A comprehensive review calling for a shakeup of environment laws in Australia has been put on the back burner for two years, prompting criticism from its author. The Hawke Review,...

On by Laura Brown 0 Comments

EPA emissions powers avoid becoming US budget casualty

A truce was drawn this weekend in the ongoing partisan spat over the EPA's climate change powers, as the threatened US governmental shutdown was averted by a cliff-hanger deal. The...

On by Martin Leggett 0 Comments