Renewable Energy

A New Wind Blows Sheer Efficiency

A view of the completed wind turbine enclosed in its stator, AG and rotor frames. It is backed with a cryostat that doesn't require cryogenic fluids, a real breakthrough, using...

On by Colin Ricketts 0 Comments

Clean energy now lags behind fossil fuels

It seems some of us are walking backwards in this carbon footprint diagram. Let's hope organisations like the IEA can push the malingerers into action in these black days; Clean...

On by JW Dowey 0 Comments

Hydrogen - Turning your home into a power source

An eco-car that can be run on hydrogen or by electricity made from hydrogen; Green car image; Credit: © Shutterstock The latest energy source for you can be your own...

On by Dave Armstrong 0 Comments

Renewable Oil?

The energy enigma that pulls us into its puzzles could finally be unraveling, if we can only renew the carbon in this oil and prevent any more global warming from...

On by JW Dowey 0 Comments

The Battle for Keystone

Oil Pipeline Image; Credit: © Shutterstock It all seems so beautifully simple. The might of the United States has an almost inexhaustible thirst for oil and across its northern border...

On by Michael Evans 0 Comments

In Taiwan, Anti-Nuclear Protests Draw 200,000

Protests across Taiwan against nuclear power; Credit: © Leah E. Gallant On Saturday, an estimated 200,000 people participated in protests across Taiwan to demand a total ban on nuclear power....

On by Leah E. Gallant 0 Comments

Fukushima - the nuclear emergency that won't go away

Japan Image; Credit: © Shutterstock It has been 18 months since the seabed slipped, the waves lurched, and Fukushima's nuclear power plants failed, under the twin assault of tsunami and...

On by Martin Leggett 0 Comments

Moon Mining: Myth or reality?

Moon and Earth Image; Credit: © Shutterstock Who would think that the lunar landings in the 1960's and 1970's by NASA would pave the way for one of the way...

On by Shameem Kazmi 0 Comments